



Livne, Sharon (2020): German Jewish Bankers in Palestine 1933-1948, Chidushim: Studies in the History of German and Central European Jewry, Volume 22.


Kandel Lamdan, Silvana (2019): ‘Longing for Authenticity in the Middle East and the Americas: Martin Buber and Enrique Dussel on Semitic Humanism,’ in: Identitatsverhandlungen zwischen Emanzipation und Herrschaft, Judith Gruber, Sebastian Pittl, Stephan Silber (eds.), Concordia Reihe Monographien, Band 73, (Aachen: Wiessenschaftverlag, 2019), pp. 367-378.   


Cohen Skalli, Cedric (2019): “Between Yitzhak Baer and Leo Strauss: The Rediscovery of Isaac Abravanel’s Political Thought in the late 1930s,” DAAT 88, 161-289. 


Cohen Skalli, Cedric (2018): “The motif of Anticipation and the First World War: Cohen, Benjamin and Rosenzweig”, Guy Stroumsa (ed.), Comparative Studies in the Twenty-First Century, Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Jerusalem, 2018, 55-88.


Interview with Prof. Amos Morris-Reich to Impact  or


Morris-Reich, Amos, Livne Sharon (2017): “Fundraising and Collaboration: The Administration of Hebrew University and the Germany Question, 1959–1965,” Naharaim: Journal of German – Jewish Culture History, 11 ,(1-2), 47-66.


Morris-Reich, Amos; Livne, Sharon (2017):  “Early Contacts in Genetics: A Historical and Sociological Perspective,” in: Simon Dubnow Yearbook, XV, 2016, (pp. 371-398)


Morris-Reich, Amos (2016): “The Israeli Paradigm of Territory,” Space and Culture2016 (2), 127-138


Morris-Reich, Amos (2016): The “First Letters” of Jacob Wahrman, Leo Baeck Yearbook (online January 2016)


Morris-Reich, Amos (2014): Photographs and Economies of Demonstration: The Idea of the Jews as a Mixed Race People”. Jewish Social Studies 20 (1) 150-183.


Morris-Reich, Amos (2014): From assimilationist anti-racism to Zionist anti-antisemitism: Georg Simmel, Franz Boas and Arthur Ruppin, in Stoeltzer, M. (ed.), Antisemitism and the Constitution of Sociology. Lin
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Morris-Reich, Amos (2013): „Anthropology, Standardisation and Measurement: Rudolf Martin and anthropometric photography,“ British Journal for the History of Science 46 (3) 2013 , pp. 487-516.


Weiss,Y., Gross, R. (eds.) (2006)Jüdische Geschichte als Allgemeine GeschichteFestschrift für Dan Diner zum 60. Geburtstag.




Amos Morris-Reich, Margaret Olin, Ed. (2019) : Photography and Imagination, New York, Rouledge 


Kijek, Kamil (2017): Dzieci modernizmu. Świadomość i socjalizacja polityczna młodzieży żydowskiej w Polsce międzywojennej, [Children of Modernism. Political Consciousness and Socialization of Jewish Youth in Interwar Poland] (Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego)


Morris-Reich, Amos; Rupnow Dirk (2017): Ideas of “Race” in the History of the Humanities, (Palgrave MacMillan)


Siegmund, Anja (Ed.) (2016): “German and Middle- European Jews in Palestine and Israel. Transfer of Culture, living environments and Identities – Haifa as an Example” 


Morris-Reich, Amos (2016): Race and Photography: Racial Photography as Scientific Evidence, 1876-1980


Gilman, S., Morris-Reich, A. (2015): The Jewish Body and other Protruding Organ. Resling. Book review in Hebrew:,,,


Ben Moshe,Yael  (2012)Hitler konstruieren: Die Darstellung Hitlers in deutschen und amerikanischen historischen Spielfilmen 1945-2009.


Morris-Reich, Amos (ed.) (2012): Georg Simmel: “How is Society Possible? and Other Essays (Ha-kibutz ha-meuchad: Tel-Aviv). [Hebrew]


Morris-Reich, Amos (2008): The Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science, (New York and London, Routledge).


Weiss,Y., Brenner, M., Gotzmann, A. (eds.) (2006): Germans – Jews – Czechs: The Case of the Czech Lands.


Weiss, Y., Margalit, G. (ed.) (2005): Memory and Amnesia The Holocaust in Germany. [Hebrew]


Weiss, Y., Bielefeld, U. (ed.) (2004): Mittelweg 36 The Journal of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research Yearbook 13 October/November.


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Weiss,Yfaat (2002): Challenging Ethnic Citizenship.


Brenner, M., Weiss, Y. (eds.) (2002): Zionistische Utopie-israelitische Realitaet.Religion und Nation in Israel.


 Weiss, Yfaat: Citizenship and Ethnicity. German Jews and Polish Jews, 1933-1940. [Hebrew]