
? אור שרף, בנימין פולק, שרון ליבנה (2024): האם יש עוד מקום לתיקון עולם למידע נוסף 

Cohen-Skalli, Cedric, Sharvit, Gilad and Shenhav, Ghilad H. (2024) (eds.): Modern Jewish Thought on Crisis Interpretation, Heresy, and History For more Information:

Rautenberg-Alianov, Viola (2023): No Longer Ladies and Gentlemen. Gender and the German-Jewish Migration to Mandatory Palestine For more Information

Hotam , Yotam (2023): Critiques of Theology- German-Jewish Intellectuals and the Religious Sources of Secular Thought.  For more Information 

Volovici , Marc and Feldman, David (eds.) (2023): Antisemitism, Islamophobia and the Politics of Definition To view the Book 

Schweid, Eliezer (2023). A History of Modern Jewish Religious Philosophy. Volume IV: The Crisis of Humanism (II). The End of the Jewish Center in Germany.

Cohen-Skalli, Cedric and Pisano, Libera (eds.) (2022) Skepsis and Antipolitics: The Alternative of Gustav Landauer Boston, Leiden: Brill “A century after Landauer’s murder, this groundbreaking collection

Sharvit, Gilad (2022): Dynamic Repetition. History and Messianism in Modern Jewish Thought, Waltham: Brandeis University Press To read more 

אהוד לוז: בין אמת לנאמנות – פילוסופיה פוליטית בהגותו של ליאו שטראוס To view more

  שרביט גלעד (2021): תרפויטיקה וגאולה. פרויד ושלינג על החירות  

צור מהלאל, ענת (2021): אנליזה מן העבר האחר מטופלי פרויד כותבים .

Goetschel, Willy and Sharvit, Gliad eds. (2020): Canonization and Alterity. Heresy in Jewish History, Thought, and Literature

Tzur Mahalel, Anat (2020): Reading Freud’s Patients Memoir, Narrative and the Analysand, Routledge Book Review from Michael Molnar  Hebrew version of the book 

Scharff, Orr (2019): Thinking in Translation Scripture and Redemption in the Thought of Franz Rosenzweig

Panagiotidis, Jannis (2019): The Unchosen Ones: Diaspora, Nation, and Migration in Israel and Germany, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Morris-Reich, Amos; Olin, Margaret, Ed. (2019) : Photography and Imagination, New York, Rouledge 

    Kijek, Kamil (2017): Dzieci modernizmu. Świadomość i socjalizacja polityczna młodzieży żydowskiej w Polsce międzywojennej, [Children of Modernism. Political Consciousness and Socialization of Jewish Youth

    Morris-Reich, Amos; Rupnow Dirk (2017): Ideas of “Race” in the History of the Humanities

    Siegmund, Anja (Ed.)(2016): “German and Middle- European Jews in Palestine and Israel. Transfer of Culture, living environments and Identities – Haifa as an Example” 

Morris-Reich, Amos (2016): Race and Photography: Racial Photography as Scientific Evidence, 1876-1980

Gilman, Sander, Morris-Reich, Amos (2015): The Jewish Body and other Protruding Organ

  Friedla, Katharina (2015): Jews in Breslau/Wroclaw 1933–1949, Böhlau Verlag

    Ben Moshe,Yael  (2012): Hitler konstruieren: Die Darstellung Hitlers in deutschen und amerikanischen historischen Spielfilmen 1945-2009.

    Morris-Reich, Amos (ed.) (2012): Georg Simmel: “How is Society Possible? and Other Essays (Ha-kibutz ha-meuchad: Tel-Aviv). [Hebrew]

    Morris-Reich, Amos (2008) : The Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science

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Brenner, M., Weiss, Y. (eds.) (2002): Zionistische Utopie-israelitische Realitaet.Religion und Nation in Israel.

      Weiss,Yfaat (2002): Challenging Ethnic Citizenship.

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