Adjunct Researcher – Christoph Hopp

Christoph Hopp is researching on the philosophy of language in early Zionism with particular focus on the writings of Chaim Nachman Bialik. This dissertational project, for which he received a scholarship from the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES), will be commonly supervised by Prof. Dr. Christoph Schulte (University of Potsdam) and Dr. Cedric Cohen Skalli (University of Haifa). His subjects of study are modern Jewish philosophy, political theory, sociology, and aesthetics.

Since April 2018, Christoph Hopp works as research assistant for Prof. Dr. Leonard Levin (Academy for Jewish Religion, New York). He prepares footnotes for selected chapters in Levin’s English translation of Toledot Philosofiat ha-Dat ha-Yehudit ba-Zeman he-Hadash („A History of Modern Jewish Religious Philosophy“) by the Israeli scholar Eliezer Schweid.