yotam hotamResearch Fellow – Dr. Yotam Hotam 


Dr. Yotam Hotam is a senior lecturer in the faculty of education at the University of Haifa and a research fellow of the Haifa Center for German and European Studies. His research focuses on the relations between the “secular” and the “religious” in modern  thought, society, politics and education and covers a variety of themes such as religion and theology in the modern-secular world, secular and post-secular theories, critical theory, political-theology, Jewish nationalism and German Jewish thought. 


1999-2004           The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Department of History. Ph.D

1995-1998           The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Department of History. MA Direct Ph.D. program for excellent students

1992-1995           The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Department of History & Philosophy  BA



Yotam Hotam, Critiques of Theology: German-Jewish Intellectuals and the Religious Sources of Secular Thought (NY: SUNY, 2023). 

Yotam Hotam, Modern Gnosis and Zionism: The Crisis of Culture, Life Philosophy and Jewish National Thought. London: Routledge, 2013.

* Moderne Gnosis und Zionismus: Kulturekrise, Lebensphilosophie und nationaljüdisches Denken, Göttingen/Leipzig: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht In German, 2009. (German)

* Modern Gnosis and Zionism: The Crisis of Culture, Life Philosophy and National Jewish Thought, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2007. (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, Space and Theology: Science Fiction in a Post-Secular Age. Tel Aviv: Resling Press, 2010. (Hebrew).        

Edited Books and Special Journal Issues

Philip Wexler & Yotam Hotam. (Eds.). New Social Foundations for Education: Education in Post Secular Society. New York: Peter Lang, 2015.

Yotam Hotam & Philip Wexler (Eds.). Special Journal Issue on: Education in Post Secular Society. Critical Studies in Education. 55.1. (2014). 

Yotam Hotam. (Ed.). The Age of Youth: German-Jewish Young Generation and Modern Times. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2009. (German).

* Yotam Hotam. (Ed.). The Age of Youth: German-Jewish Young Generation and Modern Times. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2008. (Hebrew).

Noam Zadof, Yotam Hotam, & Mathias Schmidt. (Eds.). History as a Vocation: An Anthology on the Occasion of Professor Moshe Zimmermann’s 60th Birthday. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2006. (Hebrew).           

Moshe Zimmermann & Yotam Hotam. (Eds.). Two Homelands: The Jekkes between Central Europe and the Nearest. Frankfurt a.M: Beerenverlag, 2005. (German). 

 * Moshe Zimmermann & Yotam Hotam. (Eds.). Two Homelands: The Jekkes between Central Europe and the Nearest. Jerusalem: Shazar, 2005. (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam & Joachim Jacob. (Eds.). German-Jewish Popular Construction of          

Memory after Emigration. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2003. (German).         

Articles in Refereed Journals

Hotam, Y. & Shoshana, A. “Face Control: Everynight Selection and “the Other”, Ethnic and Racial Studies  44.6 (2021): 946-965.

Hotam, Y. “Education between Critique and Theology.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 56.3 (2021): 470-486. 

 Hotam, Y. Ananke: An Essay on Transgression. Ma’arag, Israeli Journal for Psychoanalysis, 10 (2023): 255-277. (Hebrew).

 Hotam, Y. Youth, Technology and Education: Between Benjamin and Agamben. Colloquium, 54.2 (2024): 195-212.

Yotam Hotam, “Eternal, Transcendent and Divine: Walter Benjamin’s Theory of Youth”, Sophia 58 (2019): 175-195.

Yotam Hotam, “Bildung: Liberal Education and its Devout Origins”, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 53.4 (2019): 619-632.

Linor Hadar, Yotam Hotam & Arie Kizel L. “No School is an Island: Negotiation between Alternative Education Ideals and Mainstream Education – The Case of Violin School”, Pedagogy Culture & Society. 26.1 (2018): 69 – 85.

Yotam Hotam, “Theocracy and Pedagogy: Public Education in a ‘Post Secular’ Israel”, Comparative Education Review.  61.3 (2017): 538-557

Yotam Hotam, “Reflexive Education: Rethinking the Relations between Secular ‘Consciousness’ and Religion”, Religion & Education. 43.3 (2016): 285-300.

Yotam Hotam, “‘Re-orient-ation’: Sport and the Transformation of the Jewish Body and Identity”, Israel Studies. 20.2: (2015): 52-75.

Itzhak Benyamini & Yotam Hotam, “An Outline for Critical Theology: An Israeli/Jewish Perspective”, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 14.2 (2015): 332-339.

Yotam Hotam, “On a Horse and a Feather: Introduction to a Discussion on Transgression”, Studies in Education 7 (2014): 21-41. (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam & Linor Hadar, “Pedagogy in Practice: The Pedagogy of a Learning Setting as Student Experience It”, Oxford Review of Education, 39.3 (2013): 385–399. Pedagogy in Practice: An Invitation for a Discussion. Research Papers in Education, 27.2 (2012): 187-208.

Shlomo Fischer, Yotam Hotam & Philip Wexler, “Democracy and Education in Post-Secular Society”, Review of Research in Education, 36 (2012): 261-281.

Yotam Hotam, “In the Eye of the Storm: Religiosity Today. Studies in Education, 4 (2011): 12-31.

Philip Wexler, Yotam Hotam & Shlomo Fischer, “The Sacralization of the Social and the New Paradigm for Education / Beyond the Secular/Religious Divide: Liberalism, the Sate, and Education in a Post Secular Age”, Comparative Education Review, 55.1 (2011): 122-124/134-137.

Yotam Hotam, “Ecology and Pedagogy: On Postwar Environmental Philosophy and its Educational Implications”, Policy Futures in Education, 8.3-4 (2010): 479-488.

Yotam Hotam, “Overcoming the Mentor: Heidegger’s ‘Present’ and the Presence of Heidegger in Karl Lowith’s and Hans Jonas’ Postwar Thought”, History of European Ideas, 35.1 (2009): 253-264.

Yotam Hotam, Forever Young: The Metaphysics of Youth in the Writings of Walter Benjamin. Zmanim, 102 (2008): 46-57 (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, Berdyczewski’s Saul and Paul – a Jewish Political-Theology. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 6.1 (2007): 53-68.

Yotam Hotam, “Gnosis and Modernity – A Postwar German Intellectual Debate on Secularization, Religion and ‘Overcoming’ the Past. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions”, 8.3-4 (2007): 581-598.

Yotam Hotam, “Hans Jonas and Gershom Scholem: A Story of another Friendship.” Chidushim – Studies in the History of German and Central European Jewry, 7 (2005): 1-22.  (Hebrew).           

Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books

Yotam Hotam, “Education and Integration: Some Secular and Religious Considerations”, In: Lydia Heidrich, Yasemin Karakaşoğlu, et al. (eds.) Regimes of Belonging – Schools – Migrations. Bremen: University of Bremen Press, 2021: 81-89

Yotam Hotam, “Walter Benjamin’s Modern-Mystical Theory of Youth”, in: P. Wexler (ed.), Jewish Spirituality and Social Transformation. New York: Herder & Herder, (2019): 163-181. [A reprint of “Eternal, Transcendent and Divine: Walter Benjamin’s Theory of Youth”, Sophia. 58 (2019): 175-195].

Yotam Hotam, “Pedagogy, Spirituality and Curricular Design in Waldorf Education. In: P. Wexler & Y. Hotam (eds.), New Social Foundations for Education: Education in Post Secular Society. New York: Peter Lang, 2015, 91-106.

Yotam Hotam & Philip Wexler, “Education and Religion in Israel: Blurring the Boundaries of “Secular” and “Religious”, in: C. Wolhuter (ed.). International Comparative Perspectives on Religion. Bloemfontein: Sun Press, 2014, 9-27.

Yotam Hotam “Ecology and Pedagogy: On Postwar Environmental Philosophy and its Educational Implications”, in I. Gur Ze’ev (ed.), Diasporic Philosophy and Counter Education. Amsterdam: Sense, 2010, 235-250. [An adapted version of: “Ecology and Pedagogy: On Postwar Environmental Philosophy and its Educational Implications”, Policy Futures in Education, 8.3-4 (2010): 479-488].

Yotam Hotam, “Jacob Klatzkin: Modern Gnosticism and Zionism”, in C. Schmidt & E. Scheinfeld (eds.), Jewish Political Theology. Jerusalem: Van Leer, 2009, 120-138. (Hebrew)

Yotam Hotam, “Youth as a Strategy: Political-Theology, Zionism and Time”, in Y. Hotam (ed.), The Age of Youth: German-Jewish Young Generation and Modern Times. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2009, 10-24. (German) [In Hebrew: Youth as a Strategy: Political-Theology, Zionism and Time”, In Y. Hotam (ed.), The Age of Youth: German-Jewish Young Generation and Modern Times. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2008, 8-20].

Yotam Hotam, “On the Relativity of History, Time and the Historian”, in N. Zadof, Y. Hotam & M. Schmidt. (Eds.), History as a Vocation: An Anthology on the Occasion of Moshe Zimmermann’s 60th Anniversary.</e m> Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2006, 37-43.

Yotam Hotam, “Memory and Normalization: Israeli Reaction to the Austrian De-Facto Recognition”, In S. Flach & M. Zimmermann, (eds.), Israel – Austria: from the Beginnings to the Eichman Process. Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 2005, 145-166. (German)

Yotam Hotam, “In the European Perimeter: On German-Jewish Israeli Society a Counter-Strategy”, in Y. Hotam & M. Zimmermann (eds.), Two Homelands: The Jekkes between Central Europe and the Nearest. Frankfurt a.M: Beerenverlag, 2005, 99-104. (German). [In Hebrew: “In the European Perimeter: on German-Jewish Israeli Society a Counter-Strategy”, in Y. Hotam & M. Zimmermann (eds.), Two Homelands: The Jekkes between Central Europe and the Nearest. Jerusalem: Shazar, 2005,  85-99].

Yotam Hotam, “Emigrating Memories: On Language, Identity, and Conversion of German-Jewish Emigrants”, in Y. Hotam & J. Jacob (eds.), German-Jewish Popular Construction of Memory after Emigration. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2003, 173-195. (German)

Yotam Hotam, “Theodor Lessing: Culture as a Mental Disease”, In B. Greiner & C. Schmidt (eds.), Arche Noah. The Idea of „Culture“ in the German-Jewish Discourse. Freiburg: Rombach, 2002, 273-287.

Other Scientific Works and Publications

Yotam Hotam, “Review of: Social Order and the Informal Code”, Edited by Tamar Rappoport & Ahuvia Cahana, Megamot: A Journal of Behavioral Science, 50.2: (2015): 395-399. (Hebrew).

 Yotam Hotam, (ed.), Koebner Yearbook for Central European History, Culture, Society and Thought, 5 (2012). (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, “Life Philosophy”. Encyclopedia of Jewish Cultures. Vol 3. Edited by Dan Diner, Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler, 2012, 487-490.

Yotam Hotam, “Review of: Children as Avant Garde Childhood and Adolescence in Times of Crises and Social Change”, edited by Kogman T. Dar Y. & Steineman J. Dapim: Journal for Studies and Research in Education, 52 (2011): 245-249. (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, (ed.), Koebner Yearbook for Central European History, Culture, Society and Thought, 4 (2011). (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, (ed.), Koebner Yearbook for Central European History, Culture, Society and Thought, 3 (2010). (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, Review of: God Interrupted: Heresy and the European Imagination, by Benjamin Lazier, Journal of Modern History, 82.4 (2010): 915-917.

Yotam Hotam, (ed.). Freud, Collected Writings. Vol. 6. Tel Aviv: Resling, 2009. (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam (Ed.). Walter Benjamin, Collected Works. Vol. 1. Tel Aviv: Resling, 2009.  (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, Ofer Ashkenazi, Uri Levi, (eds.), Koebner Yearbook for Central European History, Culture, Society and Thought. 2 (2009).

Yotam Hotam, “Review of: Youth and the Informal Code, by Reuven Cahana”, Israeli Journal of Sociology 10.2 (2009): 506-509. (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, “Review of: The Life and Thought of Hans Jonas”, by Christian Wiese, Zion. 73 (2009): 386-390. (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, “The Guardians of the Walls, review of: Beyond the Borders, by Steven Aschheim”, Historia. 21 (2008): 127-135. (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, “Nationalized Judaism and Diasporic Existence. Jakob Klatzkin and Hans Jonas”, Behemoth: A Journal on Civilization 2 (2008): 67-78.

Yotam Hotam, Sharon Gordon & Moshe Zimmermann, (eds.), Koebner Yearbook for Central European History, Culture, Society and Thought. 1 (2008). (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, (ed.), Freud, Collected Writings. Vol. 5. Tel Aviv: Resling, 2008.  (Hebrew).

Yotam Hotam, “Review of: “Erinnerungen”, by Hans Jonas”, Kabbalah, 8-12 (2004): 339-351. (Hebrew).