Adjunct Researcher  – Marie Behrendt

Marie Ch. Behrendt is a doctoral candidate of the University of Potsdam, Germany, and is now a visiting doctoral student at the department for Jewish History associated with the Brucerius Institute. She studied Jewish Studies, Spanish Philology and Gender Studies in Potsdam, Southampton (UK) and Berlin. Her doctoral project deals with German Jewish journalism in the context of shattered and continued German Jewish belonging in the 1950s comparing six German Jewish newspapers from Israel, USA, Great Britain, Germany, Brazil and the Argentines. In this study she is reflecting on the parallelism of modern (“integration”) and postmodern (“transnationalism”) concepts of migration and their expressions in the Jewish press.

She has published first essays on German Jewish history of the postwar era. As a sideline, she is interested in the social history of German agriculture in the 19th century.