The History and Future of Jewish Philosophy in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Dr. Cedric Cohen Skalli)
From the end of medieval period, Jewish philosophy lost much of its social and political role in early-modern history. Modern philosophy was shaped in a historical period in which Jews and Muslims were marginal in the history of philosophy. From Moses Mendelssohn on, and especially from Herman Cohen (1842-1918) on, Jews, especially of German origin, began to play an increasing role in 19th and 20th century philosophy. This return of Jews in the history of philosophy induced an important transformation of 20th-century philosophy, and is still an important factor in contemporary philosophy, especially in the context of the expansion and globalization of philosophy. In this context the several research projects I intend to develop in the framework of the Bucerius Institute are not only contribution to a better history of philosophy, but also a reflection of the new features of philosophy in late-20th and early-21st century philosophy.
Research Projects: