Christoph Hopp

Adjunct Researcher - Christoph HoppChristoph Hopp is researching on the philosophy of language in early Zionism with particular focus on the writings of Chaim Nachman Bialik. This dissertational project, for which…

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Hovav Cohen

Adjunct Researcher - Hovav Cohen Hovav Cohen has a BA in Jewsih History and in Education and MA degree in Jewish History  CV Publications CV 2016-2020       M.A in Jewish History,…

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Our Adjunct Researcher Niv Perelsztejn is participating in the “Salzburger Hochsculwochen 2022”

Our Adjunct Researcher Niv Perelsztejn is participating in the "Salzburger Hochsculwochen 2022". Niv gave a lecture at the Summer School of the Crossculture Religious Studies project entitled: “Philosophical Standardization in…

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Call for Applications for Manfred Lahnstein Short-Term Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Germany

Call for Applications for  Manfred Lahnstein Short-Term  Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Germany in 20th-century German Studies for the 2022-2023 Academic Year To view the CfA The Bucerius Institute for Research…

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